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FIN News: Q3: Institutions Seek Opportunistic Strategies In Uncertain, High Rate Environment

NEPC’s Shelley Santulli and Colton Lavin were recently featured in FIN News to discuss recent upticks in commitments to opportunistic strategies, as well as an increase in the number of different vehicle structures that private debt managers are using. Excerpts from the article are shown below. View the article in it’s entirety on FIN News’ site here.


Institutional investors have become increasingly attracted to opportunistic and special situations investments across the broad real estate and credit sectors due to interest rate hikes and capital market dislocation, which the industry finds will likely continue into 2024.

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“Investment consultant NEPC was tied to many of the mandates made in the space last quarter and the firm has seen an uptick of commitments into opportunistic strategies as well as an increase in the number of different vehicle structures that private debt managers are using.

“Looking at those commitments, they’ve tended to be more in the corporate or public pension plan category, but there have also been some endowment and foundation commitments as well. As the market opportunity set is still evolving, we do expect clients to continue to make opportunistic commitments in 2024,” Principal and Senior Investment Director of Real Assets Shelley Santulli said.”

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“NEPC has seen increased interest in opportunistic strategies dating back to the initial onset of the pandemic, according to Investment Director of Private Debt Colton Lavin.

“There were some interesting investment opportunities that arose for only a couple of weeks before dissipating. Many investors were at the time under allocated to opportunistic strategies because of the relatively benign credit environment that they have been experiencing over the previous decade. So, they missed out on those unique opportunities because they couldn’t move quickly enough to capitalize. Investors have since aimed to potentially avoid missing out again by preemptively allocating within the opportunistic private debt space now,” he said.”

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“NEPC does not find the increased interest and hires surprising either and Santulli made note that interest in real estate opportunistic strategies is a result of capital market dislocation.

“The sharp rise in interest rates during 2022 and 2023 has disrupted real estate capital markets and is putting stress on capital structures, leverage, cash flow properties and property valuations, which have been adjusting downward as a result. This is creating areas of distress across the sector, which is slowly coming to the surface. It is most acute in the office sector, where property fundamentals are the weakest. Most of the market opportunity relates to the rapid rise in interest rates and the consequential valuation reset as real estate is largely a leveraged asset class,” she said.”

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“As new strategies and offerings keep coming to market, the universe of funds under the opportunistic categorization continues to expand, representing one contributing factor for the increased focus on the space from investors, according to Lavin.

“During uncertain volatile market environments like we’ve been experiencing, the window for attractive opportunity sets may come and go over a relatively short time horizon. Some strategies within opportunistic credit may have flexible mandates that allow the fund to invest in a variety of different types of credit in public or private markets, and/or in different geographies. This allows GPs to canvas the market more broadly, make relative value decisions regarding where they believe they can achieve the best possible risk-adjusted returns as opposed to being siloed to a specific or narrow opportunity set that may or may not be in favor at any given point in time. Some investors have found this to be a compelling proposition in the current environment,” he said.”

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“Several different types of strategies can fall under the opportunistic private credit or private debt classification, according to NEPC’s Lavin, who has covered private debt for eight years, however the benefit to an institution’s portfolio will largely be dependent on the specific fund they invest in and strategies will range anywhere from being more income-oriented to more appreciation-oriented.

“Depending on the mandate, certain funds may experience enhanced tailwinds when the broader economy falters [and] those sorts of offerings can serve somewhat as a hedge against a market downturn. Other types of opportunistic strategies may provide investors with diversification through targeting exposure to borrowers and or collateral that have less correlation with major economic indices. And then another potential benefit of investing in opportunistic private debt could be return enhancement, as funds will aim to achieve a return premium relative to both public market debt and also more conservative private debt strategies. Funds seek to generate these higher returns through charging borrowers, higher spreads and/or through capital appreciation,” he said.”

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“While opportunistic strategies within real estate can provide more alpha and higher returns, NEPC’s Santulli, who joined the firm’s investment research group roughly one year ago after having worked at various investment positions at real estate investment management firms over her more than 30-year career, indicated that these strategies generally have more appreciation relative to income and made note of other benefits.

“Opportunistic or special situation strategies can have a variety of investment structures, including equity, preferred equity, providing more downside protection, or even debt, including performing and non-performing no purchases,” she said, adding that diversification is important for risk mitigation within any institutional portfolio.

“Most investors will have a balance of core and non-core real estate and equity and credit across asset classes. The added benefit of real estate is that it can provide a partial hedge against inflation, particularly for property sectors with shorter-term leases, such as hospitality, residential and self-storage. Although supply and demand fundamentals are often stronger influencers and the ability to increase rental rates in the current environment of higher inflation, real estate can be attractive as an asset class for investment,” she said.”

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“NEPC advises its clients not to try and time the market when managing a private market portfolio as market timing is not a prerequisite for investors to find opportunistic strategies compelling, Lavin said, adding that investors should further maintain consistent deployment to ensure vintage year diversification.

“They’re not necessarily reliant upon a specific economic environment or point in time in order to generate deal flow and subsequently, returns. Those types of strategies are meant to be all weather,” he said.”

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“As indicated by her industry peers, Santulli made note that higher risk comes with opportunistic strategies, but in the current environment with market dislocation, attractive returns can be produced.

“Some of the best vintage years for opportunistic strategies are during periods of market disruption like we’re witnessing right now. NEPC has been targeting opportunistic strategies for real estate during 2023 to capitalize on evolving market distress, and has been recommending them to clients that have a higher risk tolerance, and are seeking a higher return profile. Clients that are more income focused with a more defensive posture are being advised to consider real estate debt funds where they can achieve an attractive, risk-adjusted return with a much higher income component and much less risk,” she said.”

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“Real estate debt funds have been another area of focus for NEPC and provide a more defensive strategy with higher income potential.

“Given the level of current base rates, real estate debt can provide higher returns than in the recent past, where interest rates were quite low. With traditional lenders more on the sidelines, real estate debt funds also have a greater market opportunity, and underwriting standards are more conservative along with more lender-friendly loan terms. So, there’s greater equity subordination protecting these debt investments against any downside risk, and, unlike in the recent past, you can achieve a very attractive return profile somewhere in the low to mid-teens,” Santulli said.

Private debt secondaries is an emerging space and a “relatively niche asset class,” according to Lavin, who stated that many funds that have been raised have not reached the stage of maturity where material secondary transactions would be more likely to occur.

“We’re seeing a couple of interesting dynamics that play that may lead to an expanded secondary opportunity set within private debt. We’re seeing LPs evaluate their existing portfolios and consider selling their stakes and funds in order to generate or maintain liquidity for several different reasons. GPs are looking for additional capital in order to continue investing in and supporting their portfolio companies. Because of these potential tailwinds, we’re seeing an increase in the number of asset managers in general seeking to raise dedicated pools of capital to target secondary opportunities within private debt,” he said.

NEPC has also been focused on real estate secondaries during 2023 and will continue to focus on that in 2024, according to Santulli.

“Real estate secondaries currently have deeper discounts, and the volume is increasing. So, we do see a very good market opportunity for clients here. From what we’ve seen to date, GP-led secondaries have been more dominant so far in 2023, but LP-led secondaries are also available and attractive. We like secondary strategies due to the discounted basis that you can achieve, and the limited J Curve as investments are generally further along in their business strategies,” she said.”

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“Overall, the industry advises investors to take advantage of investment now and in the coming quarters in the opportunistic real estate and credit spaces, but also stressed that institutions should make the effort to really focus on manager selection.

If the past is any guide to the future, 2023 and 2024 are expected to be excellent vintage years for real estate opportunistic and special situation strategies, Santulli noted.

“I’ve been through multiple cycles, and the current market environment is one where these strategies can thrive particularly with experienced managers that have executed well in prior cycles,” she said.

Investors should have heightened focus on manager selection when dealing with strategies such as opportunistic private debt that are prone to a wider dispersion of returns amongst the cohort of funds in the space, according to Lavin, who implied that regardless of the market environment, poor business management is not cyclical.

“There will always be underperforming companies that could benefit from the solutions that are provided by opportunistic and private debt funds,” he said.

“We expect continued interest throughout 2024 and in the current market environment there will be greater return dispersion and skilled experienced managers will break away from the crowd. The key in identifying the best strategies in managers will be very important. We’re very hyper-focused on the best managers that are positioned to outperform in this type of environment and this type of cycle,” Santulli said.”

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Pensions & Investments: Corporate Plans Keeping Eye on Funded Status, NEPC Survey Says

NEPC’s Jake Mallinson was quoted in a recent Pensions & Investments article that covers NEPC’s 2023 Defined Benefit survey to discuss why higher rates and inflation are actually good news for funded status and frozen plans. View the article on Pensions & Investments’ site here.


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Investor's Business Daily: Eight Stocks Dominate S&P 500's Impressive 8-Day Rally

NEPC’s Jennifer Appel was recently quoted in the Investor’s Business Daily to discuss insights from our Q3 quarterly market webinar, as well as outlook around a potential recession. View the article in it’s entirety on Investor’s Business Daily’s site here.


Watch out Magnificent Seven. There’s a new set of eight S&P 500 stocks taking off in the ongoing eight-day rally.

Eight S&P 500 stocks, including consumer discretionary Expedia Group (EXPE), industrial Generac Holdings (GNRC) and tech play Gartner (IT), rallied 20% or more in the market’s eight-trading-day winning streak kicked off on Oct. 27, says an Investor’s Business Daily analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence and MarketSmith. This solid 6.3% rally pushed the S&P 500 itself back up an impressive 14% for the year.

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Almost as soon as the calendar flipped into November, investors turned more hopeful for next year. “Despite rising interest rates, a recession in the U.S. for 2024 seems unlikely,” said Jennifer Appel, senior investment director at NEPC

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International Business Times: Stocks And Bonds Surge As The Tone Changes On Wall Street – Will The Rally Last?

NEPC’s Phillip Nelson was recently quoted in the International Business Times to discuss how market conditions over the past two years have created more asset allocation opportunities to hit long-term goals. View the article in it’s entirety on IBT’s site here.


U.S. stocks and bonds staged a strong rally last week as the sentiment changed on Wall Street.

The S&P 500 ended at 4,358, up 4.8 % for the week; the Dow Jones at 34,061, up 4% and the tech-heavy Nasdaq at 13,478, up 5.1%.

Meanwhile, bond prices rose, sending yields tumbling. For instance, the benchmark 10-year Treasury bond ended the week with a yield of 4.456%, a half-basis point below the yield it was trading a couple of weeks ago.

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“Phillip R. Nelson, partner and director of asset allocation at NEPC, recommends a diversification approach to balance risks. “The higher levels of interest rates and the shifts we’ve seen in the last two years give you more asset allocation options to hit your goals in the long term,” he said.”

Market turbulence and financial crisis security concept as a volatile stock market with price volatility as a businessman holding an umbrella as a business symbol for wealth management

NEPC Survey Shows Defined Benefit Plans Are Focusing on Funded Position To Find Stability Amid Bearish View of Markets

BOSTON–NOVEMBER 9, 2023–(BUSINESS WIRE)–NEPC, LLC, one of the country’s largest research-driven investment consultants and OCIO providers, today published the 11th annual edition of its Defined Benefit (DB) Trends Survey, which examines funded status (“F/S”), forward-looking expected return on assets (EROA), and shifts in investor sentiment. Respondents to the 2023 survey included 51 corporate and healthcare organizations with the majority of plans ranging in size from $100 million to over $3 billion.

This year’s data showcases that 53% of respondents have a bearish view of markets over the next 12 months. Respondent sentiment demonstrates a full reversal from the results of the 2021 survey, where (56%) of respondents were bullish and 44% of respondents were bearish.  NEPC noted that clients are more focused on their funded status position rather than their portfolio’s absolute return amidst this period of macroeconomic market volatility.

“It pays to be a saver. Higher rates and higher inflation are typically good news for funded status and frozen plans as higher discount rates reduce the value of liabilities. While equity valuations are down, forward-looking return assumptions (especially for fixed income investments) fare better,” said Jake Mallinson, Consultant on NEPC’s Defined Benefit team. “Armed with an understanding of the proactive drivers of volatility, NEPC has been working with clients to pull on different levers, such as maintaining a disciplined hedging strategy, to ensure plan sponsors are best able to navigate sustained volatility.”

NEPC’s 2023 survey results also show the continued climb in funded status among DB plans. 74% of plans in the 2023 Survey reported a funded status above 90%, a noticeable increase from 2021, where only 63% of plans were above 90% funded. Large plans (over $1B) reported better funded status than small plans (under $1B). 65% of large plans reported a F/S of over 100% while only 23% of small plans reported a similar status.

“Total DB pension assets are dropping due the Feds efforts to combat inflation.  Meanwhile, discount rates are also rising, and plans’ funded statuses are increasing as interest rates are going up. Environments like this demonstrate why liability driven investments work, especially as a risk management tool,” said Brad Smith, Partner on NEPC’s Defined Benefit team. “NEPC continues to advise plan sponsors to utilize glide paths and take action to further “de-risk” plans.”

Other key trends highlighted in NEPC’s new survey:

  • There seems to be a shift to allocating more assets to LDI from prior years. On average, respondents had 41% of assets allocated to LDI compared to survey results in 2021 where only 30% of assets were allocated to LDI.
  • Forward-looking Expected Return on Assets (EROA) reversed course and are trending higher than in previous surveys. 71% of plans indicated they had an EROA of 6% or higher in 2023, a significant jump from NEPC’s most recent data in 2021, where only 52% of plans had an EROA of 6% or higher.
  • Respondents still fear a slowdown in global growth is imminent as 42% of respondents selected this as their greatest threat to their investment programs this year.
  • 40% of respondents expect Pension Discount Rates to remain the same level over the next year. However, 32% of respondents expect Pension Discount Rates to fall during that same time period, which is surprising given the Fed has stiffened its stance around staying committed to a more hawkish monetary policy going forward.

The Defined Benefit (DB) Trends Survey results can be downloaded here.



NEPC is an independent investment consultant, private wealth advisor, and OCIO provider serving over 400 retainer clients and $1.4 trillion in total assets. Combining a proprietary research team dedicated to the long-term challenges facing investors with our unique client-centric model, NEPC builds forward-looking investment portfolios for institutional investors and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. To learn more about NEPC, visit


Media Contact:

Emma Rayder

[email protected]

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Chief Investment Officer: Will Market Volatility Continue in 2024 and Beyond?

NEPC’s Allan Martin, one of CIO’s 2023 Knowledge Brokers, was recently quoted in an article to discuss the contribution of international trade and an aging global population to market volatility. View the full article on Chief Investment Officer’s site here.


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FIN News: Consultants Should Look Beyond Firm Ownership In DEI Efforts: NEPC

NEPC’s Sam Pollack was recently featured in FIN News to discuss NEPC’s multi-faceted approach to portfolio management when it comes to incorporating DEI. Excerpts from the article are shown below. View the article in it’s entirety on FIN News’ site here.


Diverse-owned managers provide an important solution, but not the only one, as endowments and foundations implement investment strategies or policies that incorporate diversity, equity or inclusion goals into their portfolio management.

Though many nonprofits pursue DEI goals with a specific target allocation to strategies managed by diverse-owned firms within their investment portfolios, general investment consultant NEPC prefers taking a multi-faceted approach for its nonprofit clients that goes beyond hiring more diverse-owned or diverse-led managers, said Sam Pollack, a partner and senior member of NEPC’s endowment and foundation practice, in an interview.

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““Yes, we look at a given strategy or firm and if it happens to be diverse-owned or diverse-led. But we want to go deeper and look at what the strategy or firm is doing, what resources do they have access to do this, beyond that firm leadership level. That can extend to accountability reviews as far as their hiring, promotion or retention and their procurement policies as well,” he noted.”

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““We jumped into the fray with the launch of our DEI ratings, which was by design for all managers, not treating diverse owned or divers led as own subset. It’s important to take the same look and shine the same light on all managers and help our clients in seeing what they are doing or not doing,” Pollack added.”

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““The idea of a rating is to share more granular information, not simply mark good or bad, but provide the information to make informed investment decisions,” he noted, adding that many nonprofits lack the capacity to collect the necessary information on their own.

Clients care about this, but they don’t know how to get started or how to start the journey, so to speak. It takes a significant investment in time and resources to dig deeper across the many strategies. We really endeavor to take that deep dive and do it, and to cast that wide net, help clients make productive decisions based on information,” Pollack said.”

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““With the deep dive that we are trying to conduct for clients and make informed and nuanced decisions, seeking out diverse-owned and diverse-led firms is just the first step in that process,” he said.”

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Chief Investment Officer: Words of Wisdom

NEPC’s Bill Ryan and Allan Martin, both featured on CIO’s 2023 Knowledge Brokers list, were recently quoted in an article to discuss what lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. View the full article on Chief Investment Officer’s site here.


FIN News: Forthcoming Children's Book Provides Access, Confidence In Financial Literacy

NEPC’s Sarah Samuels was recently featured in FIN News to discuss her forthcoming Children’s book, Braving Our Savings: Holland and London Learn to Invest. Excerpts from the article are shown below. View the article in it’s entirety on FIN News’ site here.

An institutional investment industry veteran has penned a new children’s book that aims to give children the confidence and access to become financially literate.

NEPC Partner Sarah Samuels came from a non-traditional career path, had no guidance, financial education or family history in the industry and understands that many others come from a similar dynamic. So, the mother of two little girls took matters into her own hands in publishing her first children’s book, Braving Our Savings: Holland and London Learn to Invest, to help change the lives of young kids that do not have control over what is put in front of them.

“Unfortunately, many schools are not teaching any personal finance or a general financial education. What’s not being taught at home and not being taught in school gets left by the wayside. These are some very basic life skills that can empower people to break generations-long cycles of making ends meet,” she said.

The concept and underlying theme of bravery is woven throughout the book, whose target audience is children in the first and second grade, and Samuels started a movement called 30 Seconds of Bravery as she believes that if you can do something that is difficult – whether it’s asking for a raise or promotion or doing something big in your personal life – it will change the path of your life.


“I’m having some really interesting discussions with different nonprofits across the country and I’ll be raising money at some point. I’ll be looking for ways to get as many copies of the book in kid’s hands as we can,” Samuels said.

GoFundMe is live for donations to children on the 30 Seconds of Bravery movement website and Samuels is looking for people that are willing to provide ideas in order to “amplify the message and get involved.”

“This is a wonderful industry and it should be available to all. Everyone deserves to have [the] type of career path that I was lucky enough to have, but they need our help,” Samuels said.

Braving Our Savings has a target publication date of April 16, which falls during Financial Literacy Month and will be published by Forefront Books, which caters to successful men and women in their respective fields, of publisher Simon & Schuster.

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FinancialPlanning: Is Private Equity's AI Gold Rush Happening Too Soon?

NEPC’s Joshua Beers recently wrote an article for Financial Planning that discusses artificial intelligence and the impact it’s having on the private equity space. View the article on FinancialPlanning’s site here.