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Chief Investment Officer: Endowments Increasingly Dour About Economy

The number of endowments and foundations that believe the economy has worsened, and see a slowdown as their biggest long-term threat, has tripled over the past year, according to a survey from investment consulting firm NEPC.

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The Wall Street Journal: MoneyBeat: WSJ Wealth Adviser Briefing

The Federal Reserve moved to make it easier for private-equity funds and other investors to own large stakes in banks without triggering its oversight, in a plan that could also make it easier for financial technology startups to obtain investment cash.

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Pensions & Investments: Endowments, foundations worried about economic slowdown — NEPC survey

A slowdown in global economic growth is the biggest worry for endowments and foundations this year, according to NEPC's Endowments & Foundations Survey released Tuesday.

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Institutional Investor: The Biggest Threat to Endowment and Foundation Portfolios

The biggest threat to endowment and foundation investment portfolios is a slowdown in global growth, according to a survey by consulting firm NEPC.

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Dick Charlton at a University of Detroit Mercy event.

University of Detroit Mercy establishes the Charlton Center for Responsible Investing

Dick Charlton UMD

From left to right: Josep Eisenhauer, Ph.D., dean of the College of Business Administration, Richard Charlton, Chairman Emeritus of NEPC, and Antoine M. Garibaldi, Ph.D., President of University of Detroit Mercy.

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Endowments and Foundations' Economic Concerns Triple in 2019

-- NEPC survey finds fears of a global economic slowdown in economic growth are 3x greater than in 2018. Nonprofits also weigh the impact of tax reform, the rise of donor-advised funds, and cryptocurrency donations --

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U.S. News & World Report: Why You Should Be Investing in Commodities

Investors seeking the perfect stock market hedge just might find it by investing in commodities.

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Financial Investment News: Investors Seek Consultant Partnerships To Manage Market Volatility

Investors have expressed their satisfaction with the high value they place in consultants to achieve their long-term investment goals.

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Pensions & Investments: Investors Getting Better Ways to Gauge Risk-Parity Success

The investment industry is slowly catching up with investors' need for more accurate benchmarking of risk-parity strategies.

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Data Show Investors Value Collaborative, Long-Term Consultant Relationship - NEPC

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Eight of out 10 investors expressed satisfaction with their investment consulting relationship, speaking to the high value investors place in consultants to achieve their long-term investment goals, according to NEPC's Investor Governance Pulse. In a survey of more than 200 institutional and high-net-worth (HNW) investors, a majority plan to maintain the same type of investor-consultant relationship over the next five to seven years.

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