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Endowments and Foundations' Economic Concerns Triple in 2019

-- NEPC survey finds fears of a global economic slowdown in economic growth are 3x greater than in 2018. Nonprofits also weigh the impact of tax reform, the rise of donor-advised funds, and cryptocurrency donations --

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U.S. News & World Report: Why You Should Be Investing in Commodities

Investors seeking the perfect stock market hedge just might find it by investing in commodities.

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Financial Investment News: Investors Seek Consultant Partnerships To Manage Market Volatility

Investors have expressed their satisfaction with the high value they place in consultants to achieve their long-term investment goals.

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Pensions & Investments: Investors Getting Better Ways to Gauge Risk-Parity Success

The investment industry is slowly catching up with investors' need for more accurate benchmarking of risk-parity strategies.

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Data Show Investors Value Collaborative, Long-Term Consultant Relationship - NEPC

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Eight of out 10 investors expressed satisfaction with their investment consulting relationship, speaking to the high value investors place in consultants to achieve their long-term investment goals, according to NEPC's Investor Governance Pulse. In a survey of more than 200 institutional and high-net-worth (HNW) investors, a majority plan to maintain the same type of investor-consultant relationship over the next five to seven years.

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International Business Times: Emerging Markets Have Left Pain Behind, Positioned To Outperform: NEPC

Emerging markets, particularly China, offer an attractive medium-to-long term investment opportunity across all asset classes, Tim McCusker, the chief investment officer at NEPC, told International Business Times.

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The New York Times: How to Avoid the Next Real Estate Downturn

Frans and Caroline Swaalf, management consultants in the Netherlands, have been enamored of South Florida since they were graduate students at the University of Miami in the 1990s.

When the housing crisis hit in 2007, they thought their time to buy had come. They bought a condo in the Fontainebleau, a resort in Miami Beach, in 2010, after prices had bottomed out, paying 60 percent less than it had sold for two years earlier. The condo has since doubled in value.

The Swaalfs began investing in other properties. In 2011, they bought a small condo in an Art Deco building and doubled their money when they sold it six years later. They put that money into a larger condo in Miami that overlooked the water, and then looked for a buyer. But Mr. Swaalf expects to make only 5 to 10 percent when the sale closes.

That was a signal to the couple that the market was slowing and that it was time to put their investment gains elsewhere. Prices in the Miami area have cooled since September, according to Trulia, a real estate search engine.

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Pensions & Investments: Sponsors See Proposals as Low-Priority Item

When defined contribution sponsors contemplate lifetime income solutions, their actions — or more likely, inactions — resemble the ERISA version of the film "Groundhog Day."

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Pensions & Investments: Risk-Parity Investors do a bit of Second-Guessing

A cadre of asset owners are suffering from a crisis of confidence in their risk-parity investments.

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The Chronicle of Philanthropy: How Stock Volatility Could Take a Swipe at Charitable Giving and Grant Making

The stock market's stomach pains have continued into the new year, raising fresh concerns about whether the volatility is a sign of serious economic troubles ahead that could affect fundraising, grant making, endowments, and more.

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