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Institutional Investor: Hedge Funds May Be Gaining Favor With Endowments, Foundations

Institutional Investor featured NEPC's Cathy Konicki and our latest E&F Survey results. Read the full story below.
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Institutional Allocator: E&F's Bite Nails Over US/China Trade War Threat

Institutional Allocator included NEPC's Cathy Konicki and its latest Endowments & Foundations survey in a recent article. Read the full story below.
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Bloomberg: Forget golf. Women's Endowment Roles Can Lead to the Boardroom

NEPC was included in Bloomberg's latest piece. Read more below.

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Churches and their endowments have long been leaders in socially responsible investing, but those efforts are increasingly moving beyond divestment into more proactive approaches, including impact investing and corporate engagement.

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FundFire: Consultants Adopt GIPS-Like Methods to Gauge Performance

Investment consultants with non-discretionary businesses are taking steps to gauge their own performance and that of their clients, adopting similar methods to asset managers and asset owners that are compliant with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).

NEPC does quite the opposite and measures performance based off composites. The firm shows the track records of clients by grouping them as "one giant composite", says Bill Bogle, NEPC's chief compliance officer.

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CNN Money: Head of World's Largest Hedge Fund 'Worried' About a Trade War

The stock market is rallying as trade tensions between the United States and China appear to be abating. But some are concerned about the possibility of a trade war.

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FundFire: NEPC Streamlines Manager Ratings with New Numeric System

Investment consultant NEPC has rolled out a new investment manager rating system, which mirrors how other consultants gauge firms for their recommended and vetted lists.

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PlanSponsor: What Lower Fees Reveal

In managing their defined contribution (DC) retirement plans, plan sponsors, for years, have been waging war on two fronts—on the first, trying to boost employee engagement and raise participation and contribution rates, and the second, to reduce the costs for participants.

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FundFire: Endowments Turn to Esoteric Asset Classes in Hunt for Yield

Endowments and foundations are leaving no stone unturned in their hunt for yield, looking at increasingly esoteric asset classes like emerging market private capital to help fill the gap.

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Chief Investment Officer: Endowments and Foundations Eye Positive Economy, Emerging Markets

On the heels of President Trump's tax reform, NEPC has released the results of its 2018 Q1 endowments and foundations survey, with positive feelings on the US economy, the S&P 500 performance, and more.

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