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The Chronicle of Philanthropy: How Stock Volatility Could Take a Swipe at Charitable Giving and Grant Making

The stock market's stomach pains have continued into the new year, raising fresh concerns about whether the volatility is a sign of serious economic troubles ahead that could affect fundraising, grant making, endowments, and more.

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The NonProfit Times: Endowment Managers Don't Expect Much In 2019

More than 50 percent of endowment and foundation managers are bullish on private equity (PE) investments while the vast majority of those surveyed expect domestic equities to be relatively flat or will taper off this year, returning single digits.

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Private Equity Wire: Endowments and Foundations bullish on private equity in 2019, says new NEPC survey

Investors plan to stay the course with private equity, despite expectations for flat or negative returns from public equity in the US.

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Capital Allocators: Consistency and Creativity at NEPC

Tim McCusker is the Chief Investment Officer at NEPC, an investment consultant that advises on $1 trillion in assets on behalf of 400 institutional clients.  Tim oversees NEPC's 50-person investment research team and leads investment strategy for the firm.  In each of 2014, 2015, and 2016, he was recognized by CIO magazine as one of the world's most influential consultants.

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Pension & Investments: NEPC: Endowments, foundations bullish on private equity for next year or two

Slightly more than half of endowments and foundations are bullish on private equity for the next 12 to 24 months, according to a year-end survey from investment consultant NEPC.

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Chief Investment Officer: 2018 Knowledge Broker: Allan Martin

Allan Martin

Allan Martin has been a consultant with NEPC for 18 years, but when he started in 2000, it was actually his third career in finance. After an MBA from Stanford, he landed a job at Bankers Trust Co. in New York, where he spent 26 years working at one of the pioneering firms in quantitative investments in a variety of capacities, including managing investments and finally becoming the chief of global retirement services.

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Institutional Investor: Johns Hopkins' $1.8 Billion "Very Good Problem"

Michael Bloomberg announced on Sunday that he will donate $1.8 billion to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, to support ongoing financial aid efforts.

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Pensions & Investments: Fund execs split on approach to allocation for 2019 — NEPC

U.S. corporate and health-care organization defined benefit plan executives are split on how to approach asset allocation in 2019 in the face of an uncertain geopolitical environment, an NEPC survey found.
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Institutional Investor: Plan Sponsors Shore Up Their Portfolios Amid Trade Tensions

Some defined benefit plans are seeking out "safe haven" assets in the wake of geopolitical threats — even as most believe a full-blown recession is unlikely, according to NEPC.

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Pensions & Investments: Alternatives Spark Decade of Growth for Largest Funds

Nearly a decade after the financial crisis, foundations with an appetite for alternative investments have enjoyed a steady growth in assets.

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