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Nareit: Pension Consultant Sees Growing Interest in Portfolio Completion Strategies Using REITs

NEPC's Matthew Ritter joined Meredith Despins, Nareit senior vice president, investment affairs, for a special episode of The REIT Report podcast to discuss how REIT-based investment can deliver access to a 21st century real estate portfolio.

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Toigo Foundation: Investing in the New Normal with Chenae Edwards

NEPC's Chenae Edwards joined the Toigo Foundation podcast to talk about her career, the investment industry, her work at NEPC, and the firm's commitment to diversity and inclusion. A Toigo Alumna and Partner at NEPC, Chenae spoke with current Toigo Fellow Steven Nelson.
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CNBC: Falling enrollment, lost tuition puts colleges in extreme financial distress

NEPC's Sam Pollack was featured in a CNBC article that focuses on the Higher Education COVID-19 Flash Poll. Read the piece here. 

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Co-working making a presentation in front of 4 people seated around a table.

ASPPA: Hardship Withdrawals Not Widespread, Studies Say

The ASPPA published an article focusing on the data from the survey around hardship withdrawals - citing the DC Flash Poll. You can read the piece here. 

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Two people reviewing statements, one holding a pen, the other holding a calculator.

ASPPA: Studies Show Retirement Plan Gains, Resiliency

The American Society of Pensions Professionals and Actuaries published a story on the resiliency of defined contribution plans, which includes several key data points from the DC flash poll. Read the piece here.

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U.S. News: 7 Lessons to Learn From College Endowment Investing

Kristin Reynolds was featured in a U.S. News article on the benefits of maintaining regular cash flows from a donor base. Read the article here. 

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