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Pensions & Investments: Consolidation in the Retirement Industry Leads to Better Services and Greater Rivalry

NEPC’s CEO, Mike Manning, was recently quoted in a Pensions & Investments article to provide insights on the consolidation of DC plans and plan sponsors. View the full article on Pensions & Investments’ site here.


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Pensions & Investments: Managed Account Offerings in Retirement Plans Shrink as Employers Wait for Better Deal – NEPC

NEPC’s DC Plan Trends and Fee Survey data was recently featured in a Pensions & Investments article which covers the decline in managed accounts in retirement plans, citing concerns about provider benefits over participants and advocating for participant-aligned, subscription-based pricing models. View the full article on Pensions & Investments’ site here.


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InvestmentNews: Managed Accounts Have Hit a Wall in DC Plans, Finds Survey

NEPC’s DC Plan Trends and Fee Survey data was recently featured in an InvestmentNews article which highlighted our findings on the increased demand for customized solutions in pension plans and the shift towards passive management in target-date funds. View the full article on InvestmentNews’ site here.


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NEPC Survey Finds Managed Accounts are Due for a Transformation

19th annual survey results emphasize growing need for more personalized retirement solutions

BOSTON, MA – MARCH 4, 2025NEPC, LLC, one of the industry’s largest investment consulting firms, today published the 19th annual edition of its Defined Contribution (DC) Plan Trends and Fee Survey, which examines emerging investment trends, including the shift toward passive investments and the increasing need for managed accounts to offer more personalized retirement solutions.

Potential in managed accounts

While over the last 20 years, NEPC has seen an increase in DC plans offering managed accounts, that trend has stagnated in the past 3-5 years – even starting to decline in 2025. This year’s survey found that nearly half of respondents (46%) offer managed accounts, though only 9% of participants are utilizing them.

The softening in managed accounts adoption highlights the need for a transformation in the business model as plan sponsors increasingly recognize that the current model, prevalent in many DC plans, is imbalanced, with providers reaping greater benefits than participants.

“We believe managed account providers can and do construct efficient investment portfolios, but plan providers, as fiduciaries, should push for improved outcomes for their plan participants through negotiating lower fees and seeking to better align the interests of the managed account providers with those of participants,” according to Mikaylee O’Connor, Principal, Head of Defined Contribution Solutions.

“A subscription-based model could align business incentives more closely with improved participant outcomes. By implementing a lower base fee for less engaged participants, providers can offer an entry-level option, while more engaged participants could access expanded investment options through tiered subscription offerings. This approach allows for flexibility in costs and features, catering to diverse participant needs and engagement levels.”

Growing appetite for passive

This year’s survey results also reveal that Target Date Funds (TDFs) have maintained their presence as a default retirement investment vehicle and continue to shrink the core menu, with 97% of survey respondents offering them, totaling $161 billion in TDF assets.

Over the last five years, there has been a significant shift in appetite for passive TDFs over active. This year’s survey found that 35% of survey respondents offer active TDFs, down 32% from 2020, when 67% of respondents offered active TDFs.

In comparison, most plans today (54%) offer passive TDFs, as assets in passive TDFs continue to annually outpace active. Only 11% of respondents offer a blend of both active and passive.

TDFs continue to be especially attractive for participants under the age of 35, as 86% of TDF investors are 100% invested in TDFs, in comparison to participants over the age of 65, where only 58% are 100% invested.

“Analyzing this year’s survey results through a long-term lens, we are excited by the ample opportunity for industry innovation, personalization, and increased accessibility in the defined contribution marketplace, especially across areas like alternative investments, managed accounts, TDFs and retirement income solutions,” added O’Connor.

About NEPC’s 19th Annual Defined Contribution (DC) Plan Trends and Fee Survey

The survey explores current investment trends, features, and innovations in key sectors, as well as how these plans have developed over time. Respondents to the 2024 survey include 137 clients representing $408 billion in aggregate assets and 3.2 million plan participants.

NEPC’s Defined Contribution (DC) Practice team will discuss the survey’s findings during a webinar on March 6, 2025. Those interested in hearing how NEPC is advising plans can register for the webinar here.

The 19th Annual Defined Contribution (DC) Plan Trends and Fee Survey results can be downloaded below:

Download Results


NEPC, LLC is a leading investment consultant, private wealth advisor, and OCIO provider, serving over 400 retainer clients and $1.7 trillion in total assets. Combining a proprietary investment team dedicated to the long-term challenges facing investors with our client-centric model, NEPC builds forward-looking investment portfolios for institutional investors, ultra-high-net-worth individuals, and families. To learn more visit


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PlanSponsor: Fiduciary Risk Continues to Pose Barrier to Mass Adoption of Alts in DC Plans

NEPC Partner, Bill Ryan, was recently quoted in a PlanSponsor article to discuss how fiduciary risk, particularly the potential for litigation due to higher fees associated with private equity investments, continues to be a significant barrier for plan sponsors considering alternative investments in defined contribution plans. View the full article on PlanSponsor’s site here.


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Forbes: Tough Markets, Smart Moves: How Investors Are Reallocating Capital

NEPC was mentioned in a recent Forbes article to highlight Sarah Samuels’ warning about continued valuation declines in private equity and venture capital, along with concerns over mounting liquidity pressures. View excerpts below or read the full article on the Forbes site here.


headshot of NEPCs Matt Ritter

Infrastructure Investor: ‘It’s Really Important Investors are Aware of the Profile’, LP Consultant Warns

NEPC’s Matt Ritter was recently featured in an Infrastructure Investor article discussing how he is not against funds that are ‘more private equity-like’, as long as LPs understand the risk. View excerpts below or read the full article on the Infrastructure Investor site here.


Headshot of NEPC's Sarah Samuels

Institutional Investor: NEPC’s Sarah Samuels Expects ‘More Pain to Come’ in PE, VC

NEPC’s Sarah Samuels was recently featured in an Institutional Investor article discussing the challenges in private equity and venture capital, predicting more struggles ahead due to falling valuations and investors becoming more cautious. View excerpts below or read the full article on the Institutional Investor site here.


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PlanSponsor: Lower Managed Account Fees Would Likely Increase Plan Sponsor Adoption

NEPC’s white paper, “Reimagining Managed Accounts for Defined Contribution,” was recently featured in a PlanSponsor article, which highlighted NEPC’s findings that high fees on managed accounts can diminish their value, and fees above 30 basis points may necessitate higher risk to achieve returns comparable to more affordable alternatives like target-date funds. View the full article on PlanSponsor’s site here.


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Pensions & Investments: Surging Markets Provide Huge Boost for Largest U.S. Retirement Plans

Aaron Chastain of NEPC was recently quoted in a Pensions & Investments article, where he discussed how investors are increasingly embracing private credit and global equity strategies to diversify their portfolios, mitigate risk, and pursue higher returns in light of current market conditions and uncertainty. View excerpts below or read the full article on the Pensions & Investments site here.