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Pensions & Investments: Graphic: The Evolution of Record Keeping

Record-keeping services are essential to plan sponsors overseeing defined contribution plans. As demand has grown for low-cost investment options, it has also grown for lower plan administration fees. The larger firms in the market use their scale to compete with lower fees, while larger plans use their assets, the number of participant accounts or both as leverage to drive down costs.
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Financial Advisor: Yale Said To Invest In Crypto Fund That Raised $400 Million

Yale University, the Ivy League school that has invested in everything from Puerto Rican bonds to timber in New Hampshire, is getting into the market for cryptocurrencies.

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Bloomberg: Yale Invests in Crypto Fund That Raised $400 Million

Yale University, the Ivy League school that has invested in everything from Puerto Rican bonds to timber in New Hampshire, is getting into the market for cryptocurrencies.

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Wall Street Journal: Stock Pickers Struggle to Beat Index Funds Once Again

This year was supposed to be stock pickers' big comeback. So far, it hasn't been.

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Health Leaders: Healthcare Leaders Optimistic on Economy, Strategic Position

A large majority of survey respondents say the economy is poised for growth, and nearly half say the healthcare sector is looking better than in recent years.

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Becker's Healthcare: Will strategic investments in healthcare be a short-lived trend or the new normal?

NEPC's Paul Kenney, Jr., CFA was featured in Becker's Hospital CFO Report "Will Strategic Investments in Healthcare be a Short-Lived Trend or the New Normal?" Read more here.
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Chief Investment Officer: Risk Reduction Key to ESG Investing's Appeal

The rap on what used to be called "values investing"—”the precursor to environmental, social, and governance investing (ESG)—was that it could be a drag on returns. But investors are increasingly focusing on another aspect of the framework: a method of avoiding risk that threatens stock prices.

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Institutional Allocator: E&F's Eye Volatility as US/ SINO Trade War Threat Looms

Endowments and foundations are addressing concerns about how a looming trade war between China and the U.S. could affect their investment strategies. Volatility in the markets, created by the tit-for-tat tariff pronouncements, coming from both President Donald Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping, has many investors on edge, with no clear end to the disputes in sight. That said, many are taking a long-term approach rather than reacting to daily market gyrations, and some are looking at the volatility as an opportunity to grab deals.

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Money Management Report: Corporate, healthcare plans beginning to show interest in ESG

While they remain far behind endowments and public pensions, corporate and healthcare retirement plans are beginning to show interest in incorporating environmental social and governance factors into their investment processes, according to a new survey by NEPC.
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