NEPC has published the second part of its fourth annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Progress Report. The report aims to uncover the investment-oriented benefits of diversity, supporting NEPC’s goal of establishing itself as a pioneer in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

In a workplace & workforce context, throughout 2023, NEPC achieved an important milestone: for the first time in the company’s history, more than half (50.8%) of our workforce was diverse, either by gender, ethnicity, or race.

The following report shares details about our 2023 breakthrough, as well as some of the initiatives that have contributed to our progress. It also provides data about how we’ve evolved over time. We’re proud to be able to describe ourselves as a diverse workforce, but we know our job is not done. We will continue to support our diverse communities and ensure that they play a role in helping NEPC clients achieve their financial goals.

To read more, download the full results of NEPC’s 2023 DEI Progress Report: Part 2 by entering your information below: